We work with Pharmacies, Hospitals, & Clinics…
American Medical Screening’s Pharmacy Program is designed specifically to aid in:
- Expansion of services offered
- increased referrals
- Strengthening brand awareness and loyalty within local markets.
Caring for the growing needs of your community with
AMS’s Blood Pressure Control Program:

Custom Kiosk Branding
- Customized Kiosk Banner
- * 4 Health Aware inserts

Program Posters & Tri-folds
- Multiple poster themes to choose from.
- Trifold FAQ’s for staff reference with customers and patients. Request a quote for personalized kiosk inserts and branded tri-folds.

Personal Health Tracker
- Personal blood pressure tracking cards for consumers to regularly check & track their screening results. Cards are branded & are sized to conveniently fit into a wallet.
Join the many Pharmacies, Clinics, & Hospitals already taking advantage of our program

“At Terry’s Family Pharmacy the blood pressure kiosk we purchased from AMS is one of our most popular services. I would never go back to owning a store without an AMS Blood Pressure Machine!”
– Les Gwynwilliams, Terry’s Family Pharmacy